Hola! ¡Cómo estan? Espero que todo está bien con ustedes.
I loved hearing from everyone! It totally made my day! ha ha ha! I
just can´t believe that not one of my siblings stood up for me when you
were talking about my embarrassing moments. WHAT IS THIS? ha ha ha. No,
It sounds like you all had a fun time. Congrats to the twins. I´m
excited to speak in Spanish when I get home.
Well, as for my week.... =)
It was pretty good. We had some good lessons. We worked so hard to
get some menos activos to church, but out of the 4 we went with, only 1
showed up. We did have two investigators at church! That was great. It
was a stake conference, and we watched it via internet. At times it was a
pain, because it froze or what not, but I could still feel the Spirit
there. Also, Presidente Del Valle y su esposa discorsaron o sea, they
gave a talk. I love them to death. They are basically our parents. Not
that anyone can trade mom and dad, but just so you know, they love us so
much and really do look after us. They are great people!
I don´t know if I have mentioned this, but in San Pancho we get a
lot of rain. Probably because of the hurricane, but wow. Last night it
was thundering and lightning like none other.
Friday, well, ha ha ha. That was a day from a very bad place. EVERY
hard! Plus, it was hot, then the wind blew (really strongly), and then
the rain came. ha ha ha! It rained so hard. We got soaked to the bone.
We went to an investigators home and she was having a baby shower, so we
got turned back out to the rain. Have you ever heard of the refiners
fire? That was Friday. The weird thing was I knew what was happening. So
while it was raining I was saying a prayer of thanks that we could work
in the rain. While the wind was blowing I was praying for the strength
to overcome it. and with the heat, well, I know I want to make it to
heaven now because that just stunk!
Saturday we did divisions. I went
with the District Leader Elder Backman. I learned a whole lot. I have
SO much to work on. I really have been humbled. I never knew how much. I
know more now than ever that I need the Lord in my life and on this
mission. We had some success and had an awesome lesson, but the man,
Israel, didn´t accept it to well. Has fear or something.
Sunday we had a lesson. It was a lesson with the aunt of a member
and this person, veronica, had been taught by other elders. We had an
awesome lesson, and I challenged her to be baptized and to prepare
herself to be baptized the 22 of Septiembre. Well, SHE ACCEPTED!!!! Now
we are getting somewhere! It was a great lesson. We know a challenge
that we are going to have with her, and not really her. Her husband is a
TJ, o sea, testigo de Jehova.
Well, I know this work is important. I don´t even feel sad about
missing the family reunion. It is a great time to be a missionary. I
love you all so much and love this work and gospel! Stay strong!
Grams, I´m sorry I haven´t sent a letter out yet. I have one
written, I just need to get it to the mail place. I have no idea where
the office is in San Pancho, and in Leon, well, we don´t pass by it. It
is really different than in the US. So, I am working on it. ha h aha
Love you!
Love, Elder Michael Blake Crouch
ps. Every member a missionary

pss. Oh, and the next time you send a package (probably Christmas)
It would be nice to have some piano music (gospel related of course). I
had to play for a recital, and I have NO songs in my head. I played the
begining of Rachmaninoff
, but soon lost it. So yeah. ha ha ha. Also a
chord book or something, because I may or may not have bought a
guitar... So I may or may not be learning to play... ha ha ha. Love you
Te quiero