Hey family!!!! Life is really good here!
So basically Sundays are my favorite days! I'm pretty sure last Sunday you couldn't have felt the Spirit because he was WAY, WAY, WAY, too busy at the C.C.M. =D Okay, we all know that the Spirit never gets too busy, but it was SO strong last Sunday! We were singing prelude music and as we were singing "Onward Christain Soldiers," Elder M. Russell Ballard came in. We all stood up. I didn't see him come in, but I just felt so overwhelmed and started crying! Basically, I cried a lot Sunday night! Elder Archuletta sang a rendition of, "The Spirit of God." The Spirit was amazing! It was like a big huge blanket suddenly was wrapped around my whole body! I can't describe how strong the Spirit was that night. I know how Lehi felt when he wanted his family to partake of the tree of life. I wish you were all there, just so you could feel the Spirit and know how true the Gospel is! Plus we sat four rows back to the front and I had the feeling that Elder Ballard was looking and talking right at me! So basically, I wouldn't give this up for ANYTHING!!!!
We got a new maestro this week. Hermano Riechert moved to Texas with his wife and daughter (he graduated and has a job lined up in Texas now). I was really sad to see him leave. He pushed us SO hard and we accomplished a lot! Now we have Hermano Torres, who is just as amazing! He lets you know when you are not doing your best. It's really humbling! Hermano Guertes is still with us and he is still amazing!!!!
Tuesday night we had a devotional, but it was more like a class. We were taught on how to use members. They are SO vital to missionary work! and EVERY Member IS a missionary. It is a covenant we make. Share the Gospel and find people to teach to!!!!
I also love my district!!! They are so amazing!
Kaitlyn, I get the hint. My car isn't going to be working when I get home. You can stop informing me of that and just kill it already so I don't have to worry about it! ;) Plus, you better watch out when I get back. I am becoming a PRO at volleyball!
Sounds like you all had a great week! I really can't remember what everyone said in their letters. We just got back from doing sealings and that was an interesting experience! I love the temple SO SO SO much!!! It truely is a blessing and I'm going to be sad when I get to Mexico and can't go every week.
I received a lot of letters this week! Ashley promised me she would make and send me some cookies (YES!!!). Grams wrote me. I got your letters along with Tayler's. Raleigh wrote as well as Sierra and Carson. If you see any of them, tell them thanks for me! Also, I got some letters from some primary boys! Yep, I got to brag about having the best primary kids! =D. And, I can't write any of my granparents (except Grams), because I don't have any addresses. So you can either Dear Elder them to me, OR... have them write me.
Wow!!! I can't believe I have been here for a month already!!! it isn't possible!!!!
I know that this Gospel is true!!! I have a firm testimony of the Gospel of Christ! That is what brings us closer to Christ! I have a testimony of the priesthood. I know the Book of Mormon is true and that it was translated by Joseph Smith by the power of God. I know we have prophets here on the earth today and that they do receive revelation. I know that I am learning Spanish so that I can bring people to Christ!!! I know that I am supposed to be here on my mission and that it is a calling for all worthy men! I KNOW the atonement is real! I use that every day! It is such a powerful gift from God. I know that through covenants that we make, we access more and more of the atonement! This Gospel blows my mind about how easy and loving and amazing it all is!! I am a child of God! I have been sent here to gain my own testimony and body and to bring the Gospel to others!
Okay... hmm... the rest of my week was amazing!!! I keep learning how to teach every day! I love the Gospel. Have I mentioned that yet? Well, everyone else is done writing and I only have about two minutes left, so I guess it is time to sign out!
I love you all SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, much!!!!
Love, Elder Michael Blake Crouch
P.S. Zach, YOU are awesome!!!! =D